The Industrious Chinese


  I was recently reading about the Chinese, as I often do… Did you know that the Chinese invented EVERYTHING hundreds of years before everyone else? They invented paper, the wheelbarrow, gunpowder, kites and even had a root that acted as birth control 1000 years ago. Fascinating… until it occoured to me that China has the most out of control population on earth. 1.4 billion people. Perhaps they should have spent another week or two tooling around with that root in the lab before giving the Chinese the license to fuck without concequence.

As an interesting side note, in my research, I also learned that the Chinese invented a machine called the Earthquake weathercock, which was a contraption that told them when and where an earthquake would come. ALSO, the first clock ever was designed by the Chinese. It used waterweight to measure time and had a puppet that would hold up a plaque that would tell the time. – I bring this up because interestingly enough, I once opened for a black comic in Georgia that went by Earthquke Weathercock… AND he had a puppet named Buttons who could tell time. Coincidences abound!